Monday, February 21, 2011

Long time, no post

Between the really terrible weather the last month-ish  and the wonderful hint of Spring we had this past week, I went from SAD to euphoric, and now that it's just cold, grey and wet, I'm back.  I have been working like the crazy person I am, though.   A lot of it has been projects for the shop, which you can check on their blog.  I'll give you a peek at the Christmas project in progress:
Lots of pieces to mark and cut.  Yes, I'm doing it the slow by hand way, so I can make sure the templates are good, no matter how you sew it. 
Then there is the mew BIG hexagon project I started:Wait!  Check it out next to my foot so  you can see it really is big:

Told ya!  The best part is how fast it's going.
Then, since my Sashiko machine is on the fritz, I decided to see if I had any machine quilting skills on a regular machine.  Didn't have a project, so decided to make a lovie for our guilds' project for Ronald McDonald House:
I'm really candy deprived, so I made it in soft pink and chocolate. 
Now to get it quilted. 
Of course I've had all kinds of help from the little "dust mops":
This one wouldn't even stand still long enough for a non blurry picture!   Two of the others were smarter and sacked out--sort of:
I've also been making Zentangles til my eyes got gritty:and:
So, now that  you've pretty well caught up with me, I'll try to keep it more regular.  The key word there is "try".  No expectations from me, so I won't accept them from anyone else!
Have a lovely late February afternoon.

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